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Dr. Allain utilizes an integrative approach to therapy, which means she uses theory, techniques, and strategies from multiple therapy modalities.  Specifically, Dr. Allain practices Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and the Gottman Method for Couples Therapy.

In common terms, this means that we will focus on how thoughts, feelings, and behaviors interact.  We work together to better understand your self-talk  and patterns in thinking and how those thoughts impact how you feel and act.  At the same time, we will work together to learn and implement a variety of new coping strategies in order to increase and/or reinforce adaptive (i.e., helpful, rather than harmful) coping behaviors. There will also be an emphasis on understanding what your personal and family values are and how those values guide your decision-making and behaviors.  The better we understand our own values, the better we are able to live a life in alignment with those values. Dr. Allain is a family-oriented therapist. The things that happen to and within our most important relationships affect us, just as we affect them. Therefore, it’s important to consider the context of a client’s closest relationships when approaching treatment and intervention. Finally, we work together to learn and implement new skills to improve how you feel and the healthy functioning of your personal relationships. Examples of those types of skills include assertive communication, conflict communication, self-soothing, mindfulness, and distress tolerance strategies.

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Everyone has experienced times in their life when they have felt overwhelmed, unproductive, or unsure of what comes next.  Some of us have also experienced symptoms of anxiety and/or depression that interfere with our typical functioning.  Individual therapy is a wonderful opportunity to process these experiences with someone who is not a part of your everyday life and who is highly trained in providing support, guidance, and treatment, as needed.


  • Increased stress 

  • Parenting-related stressors 

  • Feeling as though you’ve “lost touch” with yourself and what matters most to you

  • Low mood, energy, or struggling to feel motivated

  • Fear or worry-based avoidance of certain situations or experiences

  • Never feeling good enough

The lives of children and adolescents have become increasingly complicated as they navigate a world full of technology, pressure, and change.  These experiences can feel overwhelming and may prompt changes in children or adolescent’s typical functioning.  As parents and caregivers, just as we look to medical professionals for assistance in our children's physical health, seeking the support and guidance of a mental health professional is just as important.  


  • Sleep problems

  • Problems at school 

  • Fear or worry-based avoidance of certain situations or experiences

  • Change in mood that is impacting functioning at school, home, or with peers.

  • Negative self-talk or being too hard on themselves

  • Problems with friends or other relationships

  • Grief, loss, or other life changes

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It can feel overwhelming and difficult to navigate the issues that impact a family when everyone is impacted by the stressors we encounter.  Family therapy services offer the opportunity to work with a trained clinician who can take a “birds eye view” of those struggles and offer expert support and guidance in navigating those difficult times.


  • Difficulty navigating new phases of life (e.g., entering adolescence or young adulthood)

  •  Conflicts that always seem to escalate without resolution

  •  Navigating grief, loss, or other stressors

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On average, it takes couples 6 years to enter therapy after first noticing problems within the relationship.  While the impact of those 6 years will vary amongst couples, it is safe to say that there is plenty of time for resentment to build, and the same argument to be played out over and over again.  Couples therapy can help partners navigate a wide range of concerns, from simple tune-ups of the friendship system to affair recovery, and all points in between.  


  • Couples who feel less connected than in years past

  • Couples who struggle with compromise and mutual problem-solving

  • Couples facing major life transitions

  • Couples interested in a “tune-up” to keep their partnership on track

  • Following an affair

  • Couples who struggle with trust and open communication

  • Couples struggling with managing conflict calmly and effectively

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It is the nature of humans to need connection, belonging, and to feel understood.  When navigating major stressors, mental health difficulties, or major life transitions, the opportunity to be around supportive others who can relate to your experiences is healing in and of itself.  Group therapy offers such an opportunity with the added benefit of a skilled clinician to facilitate gathering together and discussing such shared experiences.


  • Social Anxiety Groups

  • Social Skills Groups

  • Self-Compassion 

  • Self-Care Groups

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Assessment services offer diagnostic clarity to individuals, families, and providers.  The insight gained from the assessment process can help clarify treatment goals and appropriate recommendations for treatment services.  Testing is also the gateway to receiving academic support and accommodations through documentation of diagnoses and recommendations.  


  • Struggling with attention, focus, and concentration at school/work

  • Persistent disorganization and difficulty managing tasks and property

  • Clients who are struggling to make progress in therapy due to lack of insight or clearly defined goals

  • Students in need of a formal evaluation and (potential) diagnosis  to provide to schools or other institutions for possible academic accommodations and/or support

  • Students in need of re-evaluation of diagnosis for school, insurance, or other purposes

  • Individuals in need of diagnostic clarification for treatment purposes

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Phone:   281-312-0137



Office Hours:

Tuesday and Thursdays 9:30 - 4 and Wednesday and Fridays 11 - 3

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